Boss, instruktor, fotograf
We have more than 10 years of experience with organization of surf camps around the globe. We work with licensed and qualified surf instructors and yoga teachers. Safety is always first!
During our surfcamps we do surf lessons for total beginners from basic stand ups and catching the first waves, to more advanced technique of turning and surfing the green waves.
Lessons are in english, czech or french. During lessons we take photos and videos of you and on evening we do videocoaching for your faster progress.
Surfing is mainly FUN and this is never missing on our surfcamps. We spend all day and sometimes night out with you:) and try to make your surf holiday an unforgettable time.
Boss, instruktor, fotograf
Yogi, surfinstructor, photographer, driver. And in addition, she is in charge of the little surfer girl Estelle, social networks, website and the e-shop.
Inés and André will take care of you in Portugal. André is an experienced surfer and instructor with an international license. Inés has her heart in the palm of her hand, she will accommodate you, take you to the beaches or direct you to the best cafe for a real pastel de nata.
Instruktor a organizátor na Fuerteventuře
Instruktor ve Španělsku, fotograf
Instruktor ve Španělsku
V lednu 2017 vyšel v časopise ForMEN velký průvodce po nejlepších surfových spotech na světě. Sestavil Aleš Tůma ze Surf and Travel
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V pořadu Tepláky na Expres radiu byl hostem Aleš Tůma a s moderátorem Markem Malíkem si povídali o surfování, jak probíhají surfkemy a co se chystá nového:)
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V březnu 2017 vyšel článek o Bali, kde je rozhovor s Alešem Tůmou o surfových kempech Surf and Travel
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